Spongebob Style Original Upload

I Was On YouTube When i Found A Youtube Video, The Video Was Called Spongebob Style, It Was Uploaded By a User Called: Mr666UploadsSpookyvids666Death, The Video Has 666 views, 666 likes and 666 Dislikes, I Clicked Play and It Showed a kid Dancing To  The Instrumental Version of Gangnam Style next To a Spongebob Doll Sitting on a Computer Chair, Then Some Guy Bursted in And Without Hesitation Shot The Kid, The Screen cut To Static, It Played again, But This Time The Kid Had Black eyes And Red Pupis, He Smiled Ear To Ear spookily, The Doll Has The Same Eyes, Even The Tiger Painting Had Them, Then The Kid Said "Tomorrow Night I Will Kill on You In Your Sleep" Then He Screamed "666 IS MY FAVORITE NUMBER!!!!!!!!" And the Video Closed, I Was Spooked and I Jumped Out My Window, I Am Writing This On My Laptop in a Hospital Right Now and am so Spooked Guys, Don't Watch That Video!!!